
Whether written or spoken, it’s vital to establish a consistent tone and language for all Malcolm X College communications. A commitment to crafting a unique voice helps us engage and form deeper connections with our audiences.  
Remember, the Malcolm X voice starts with the system-wide voice (confident and bold while personal and supportive). Read the system-wide voice guidelines as a starting point to crafting the Malcolm X voice to ensure both consistency and that the full character and mission of the college is captured throughout messaging. 


Core story

Every City College’s messaging starts with the system-wide core story and key messages. We’ve developed a Malcolm X-specific core story to illustrate how to build off that messaging in a unique way. These are meant to serve as inspiration but can also be used within the communications you’re creating. They’re meant to work at a broad, high level and can be tailored for your audiences.

Key messages

To demonstrate the Malcolm X voice, we explored three key messages that are central to the brand: the two culture drivers and program offerings. You can use these messages as headlines, inspiration, or guideposts as you create Malcolm X communications. 


We are defining the higher-education experience across health sciences disciplines. But that’s not the most important part of our story. Whether through specialized or general education programs, our leading-edge, inclusive, highly-curated learning environment helps students thrive —not only in their careers, but also in life. Welcome to Malcolm X College. One of seven City Colleges of Chicago.

Key Messages

Disciplined decisiveness

“Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X
Let’s get started.

“Education is our passport to
the future.” – Malcolm X
Buckle up.

Success doesn’t come without challenges. Continued success doesn’t come without support.

The confidence to take on anything that comes your way. That’s what you’ll find here.

Never-ending advocacy and activism

To move forward, we must stand up.

Question. Challenge. Overcome.

When we all come together, there’s no stopping us.

We break problems down. We lift people up.

It’s our responsibility to question convention and spark conversation. Because today doesn’t define tomorrow.
We do.


Where does life-saving education meet real-life training?
X marks the spot.

Changing lives.
Bettering lives.
Saving lives.
Right here.

Adding one new skill can multiply your impact.

The best leaders are well-rounded learners.


The Malcolm X Voice

Every City College brand voice starts with the system-wide voice: disruptive, unconventional, and bold plus personal, warm, and supportive. The Malcolm X brand voice adds to that by channeling the style of Malcolm X’s voice: thought-provoking, motivational, and actionable.Utilize the following strategies when creating communications to consistently capture the Malcolm X voice.

Lead the way

Malcolm X was a powerful figure in his generation whose impact is still felt today. To channel that in your communications, write from a thought-leader perspective. 


  • The best leaders are well-rounded learners.  
  • To move forward, we must stand up.
  • Success doesn’t come without challenges. 

Clear confidence

In order to demonstrate the confidence Malcolm X has in its leadership and educational offerings, use language and messaging styles that give off an inspirational, rallying-cry feel. 


  • Live. Learn. Lead. 
  • We break problems down. We lift people up. 

Quoting Malcolm X

Referencing Malcolm X in our messaging is a powerful way to connect to our mission and history. When crafting messaging for the college, it’s important to take special care of how any quotes from Malcolm X are used. 

  • Do NOT quote Malcolm X without citing him 
  • Do NOT use quotes from Malcolm X out of context, so as not to skew or misinterpret the intended meaning behind any messages 
  • Use quotes from Malcolm X sparingly, only when it will have a significant impact on important messaging being conveyed

Tie the system together

In order to demonstrate the connection between Malcolm X and the system, the other colleges, and satellite campuses, it’s important to find ways to tie them together in messaging. When space allows, connect Malcolm X back to the system. Here are a few ways this can be done through headlines, subheads, or sign-offs. 


  • Malcolm X College. One of seven City Colleges of Chicago.
  • [Listing all seven college names within a messaging tactic] 

Use exclamation points sparingly, and try to avoid using more than one per communication. 

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