Graphic Device

Graphic Device

In addition to a wide range of visual elements, the brand expression for City Colleges of Chicago includes a singular graphic device, which serves as the main structure and inspiration point for the development and application of an endless array of patterns and unique configurations.

This graphic device has been designed as a visual shorthand to help build awareness, recognition, and recall of the system at large, as well as the connectivity between each of its seven colleges. It speaks to and represents the brand’s core truth: Lift communities. Change lives.

The unique combination of shapes depicts a student’s journey through the City Colleges of Chicago system and the colleges. It demonstrates the connectivity, transformation, and relationships between both the system and colleges — and also between the system and the student. The student enters their City Colleges journey, rises up through their experience and emerges, transcending limitations.

Graphic Device:


The brand’s graphic device is never to be used in combination with any City Colleges logo.
It can be used as a single element or broken apart to form patterns and shapes for graphic interest. The graphic device can be used on a solid background, as a transparent shape, in a patterned formation, or as a container for photography. Use of color is limited to the City Colleges of Chicago color palette. To further enhance usage, the graphic device can be used at varying contrast levels — for both high contrast as well as more subtle application.

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