Font Families


BioRhyme is a slab serif typeface designed by Aoife Mooney. It serves as our primary brand font family. This font should be used for headlines in both print and digital content applications. BioRhyme is available in a range of weights: extra Graphic Device:

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Named after Martin Luther King Jr. and inspired by the typeface used on posters in 1968, Martin is an extra-heavy sans serif that gives off a strong, bold tone and commands attention.

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Gibson is a workhorse font, available in a vast variety of weights. This font is primarily used for body copy and provides ample hierarchy throughout communications.

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Arial is the preferred system font for the City Colleges of Chicago brand for legal documents like contracts and letters. Because BioRhyme is a free Google font and available for both Mac and PC, it’s recommended for use in combination with Arial for applications such as PowerPoint presentations or Word documents. The system font, Arial, should never be used on primary brand communications such as a flyer, brochure, or website.

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